
Webinar Top 3 hypnotic language patterns

We communicate because our brain learns words as associations. Associative or Pavlovian learning is one of the four ways the brain learns. If you want to make big changes, it is very important that you formulate well what you say and write. Because many people mean well, but formulate so badly that they actually achieve the opposite of their intention

Pavlov himself said in 1928 that if you want to achieve in humans what he accomplished with dogs, then you have to work with hypnosis. Now it is not immediately the intention to put everyone in a hypnotic trance before you try to make a big change. Not only does that often take too much time, but it also stands out! Fortunately, there is also a broad definition of hypnosis and that definition is:

Hypnosis is to convince people to participate in your script.

Or to put it more business-wise: hypnosis is getting people to follow your reasonings. Almost all hypnosis is done with hypnotic language patterns. These language patterns are indispensable for formal hypnosis, but also work very well when you want to get people to follow your reasonings. If you want to make big changes in other people, the use of hypnotic language patterns is the only way to achieve that to the greatest extent possible.

That is why we organize a webinar Top 3 Most Influential Language Patterns every month. The top 3 most influential language patterns are:

  1. The iCoomand.
  2. Presuppositions.
  3. Cause / effect reasoning.

When you register for the free webinar Top 3 Most Influential Language Patterns, you start to learn straight away as you get a link to our free video on presuppositions. Still, it’s important to join the Top 3 Most Influential Language Patterns webinar. Because the majority of our brains use language patterns completely unconsciously. That means that your unconscious mind needs to be trained to use these language patterns automatically. There are only a handful of trainers who can do this and Joost van der Leij is one of them. A webinar does not have the same impact as participating in a live training, but it works a lot better than reading from a book. So for that reason join the webinar Top 3 Most Influential Language Patterns and register with the form below:


Webinar Instrumental Learning

Instrumental learning is one of the four ways in which the brain learns in addition to imprinting, associative learning and evolutionary learning. Whereas in associative learning the brain establishes a probability relationship between two different sensory impressions, in instrumental learning the brain establishes a probability relationship between our behavior and what our behavior yields. 

Our opinions are largely determined by the associations we build. What we do is largely determined by what our behavior yields to us. In other words, our behavior is mainly determined by instrumental learning. If you want to influence someone’s behavior, you must use instrumental learning.

Yet for most people, instrumental learning is completely unknown. Instrumental learning works on the basis of the ABC model. In this model, the A stands for Antecedents. Antecedents is all that precedes behavior or what is necessary to enable behavior. The B stands for Behavior. The C stands for Consequences. Consequences are everything that happens after the behavior has taken place. 

Almost all ways of influencing people use Antecedents. While research has clearly shown that our behavior is mainly influenced by Consequences. 

That is why we will soon be giving the free webinar Instrumental Learning via Zoom. In the form below you will find the next date and time. This way everyone can get acquainted with the ABC model and immediately apply it concretely in their own lives. You immediately increase your personal effectiveness and from now on you are much better able to influence people. In short, feel free to join this wonderful webinar. If you want to participate, fill in the form below so that you will immediately receive the Zoom link of the webinar: